
To install, run nikola theme -i yesplease

This theme (particularly the side-menu) is based on an example layout from PureCSS. It features a sidemenu that collapses into a hamburger on small screens and a single column for posts.

Posts may include a header image on which the title is overlaid. The image will be darkened and blurred to provide contrast to the title. The photo is set by including a header-image directive to the top of the post. For example:

.. title: Welcome to Nikola
.. slug: welcome-to-nikola
.. date: 2015-03-30 23:00:00 UTC-03:00
.. tags: nikola, blog
.. category: personal
.. header-image:

You may set a default header image for posts by setting default_header_image in the GLOBAL_CONTEXT. An image to use on the main blog page (pages that use the blog title) can be set by setting blog_header_image key. For example:

    'default_header_image': '',
    'blog_header_image': ''

You may exclude post content from indexes by setting 'exclude_index_content' in the GLOBAL_CONTEXT variable. Such as:

    'exclude_index_content': True

Figures, code blocks, and slides within a post are allowed to expand to the full width of the content area while the text of the post expands to a maximum 800px. The margin on the sides of the text adjusts based on screen size.

Post dates are displayed in plain language relative to the current time. This uses moment.js, but the DATE_FANCINESS variable is not used and the behaviour cannot be disabled.

External libraries used in this theme include:

  • Figures within posts have a simple lightbox affect implemented by Fluidbox.
  • Font Awesome is included for their great icons.
  • highlight.js provides syntax highlighting for code blocks.
  • jQuery is used for whatever and as a dependency for Fluidbox.
  • moment.js displays dates as plain language relative to the current time.
  • PureCSS for a responsive grid system.

This theme does not use any functionaly from the base Nikola theme. The templates are commented extensively to allow this theme to be used as an example for other custom themes. The recommended way to do this is to copy the theme under a new name and edit to suit.

Issues? Questions?

You can report issues with this theme and request help via GitHub Issues (themes repository).

Theme inheritance chain