Thanks to flasky and Wu. This theme trys to introduce the beautiful theme into nikola.
How to use it?
- Download this repository and put it under '
/themes/' folder. - Modify your
and setTHEME = "zzz"
. - Done!
About the post
Note that the index page will show a short description of your post, that is manually added by you with the 'description' attribute:
.. title: Test of Nikola .. slug: test-of-nikola .. date: 2015-02-06 10:42:28 UTC+08:00 .. tags: nikola, mathjax .. category: unknown .. link: .. description: Test of Nikola/rst syntax. .. type: text
Additional Hack
The footer can include several icons(email, github, twitter, rss) according to
your settings. Put the settings in GLOBAL_CONTEXT
variable in conf.py
GLOBAL_CONTEXT = { 'email': '[email protected]', 'github': 'lotabout', }
Also, the theme has several preset color themes, it will be automatically set according to the tags of your post. However, you should specify what color for what tag:
GLOBAL_CONTEXT = { 'theme_tag': {'green':'tech','blue':'write','red':'life'}, }
In the above setting, if a post had a tag of 'tech', the page will show up in 'green' theme.
gray, blue, gree, red themes are supported.
Well, ScreenCast
The index of my blog
The blue theme(maybe not that blue)
Well, better add this, I choose MIT license for this theme. Only because chooselicense says it is simple and permissive.
Enjoy the theme.
Issues? Questions?
You can report issues with this theme and request help via GitHub Issues (themes repository).