
To install, run nikola theme -i carpet


Nikola theme based from Bulma. Nikola is a static site and blog generator. Template is using Mako syntax and Font Awesome 4 icons.


To install:

Enter the command line below at the console

$ nikola install_theme carpet

Edit for setting these values below:

  • THEME = "carpet"

Default extra global context values:

     "carpet__unlink_blog_brand": False,
     "carpet__show_hero": False,
     "carpet__show_hero_title": False,
     "carpet__hero_post_title": False,
     "carpet__hero_size": "",
     "carpet__hero_footer": "",
     "carpet__late_load_css": False,
     "carpet__breadcrumb_home": "",
     "carpet__breadcrumb_separator": "",
     "carpet__post_type": {},
     "carpet__head_prefix": "",
     "carpet__body_prefix": "",
     "carpet__content_prefix": "",
     "carpet__content_suffix": "",
     "carpet__cookie_message": ""

Extra Metadata

  • hero-class
  • show-hero
  • hero-title
  • hero-description

Blog brand

By default, the blog brand is a link for either blog logo or/and blog title by having values on configuration file. For example,

LOGO_URL = "/logo.png"

If you don't want them to be a link, set carpet__unlink_blog_brand to True.


This theme supports Hero feature from Bulma. If you like to turn on the feature, set carpet__show_hero to True.

Custom Hero background

By default the background colour of the Hero is primary colour, same colour as the top navigation. There are few classes can be used for background customisation.

  • The hero-body class is appeared in all the Hero.
  • Each pages have hero-${title|lower,h,trim} class too, where title is the page title with all lower case, and number with no special characters (including space characters).
  • All POSTS and PAGES can also have extra classes by adding value to hero-class metadata.

Custom Hero title

By default, there is no text in the Hero. If the feature is turn on, by default the text will show BLOG_TITLE and/or BLOG_DESCRIPTION depending if the values are not empty. Here are few more customisation:

  • All POSTS and PAGES have the same hero text, set carpet__show_hero_title to True.
  • To customise all POSTS and PAGES with different Hero text, set carpet__hero_post_title to True. Only those pages that accept metadata values.
  • By default, there is no Hero text.
  • Turn on hero text in each POSTS page, set show-hero metadata to True. It will show the default values, which are BLOG_TITLE and/or BLOG_DESCRIPTION depending if the values are not empty.
  • To customise each POSTS page, set show-hero to custom. It will use hero-title and/or hero-description depending if the values are not empty.

Custom Hero size

There are few sizes come with Bulma Hero, is-medium, is-large and is-fullheight. Change these values to carpet__hero_size. Refer to Bulma Hero for more info.

Custom Hero footer

If you like to have Hero footer, add value to carpet__hero_footer.


Be default, breadcrumb doesn't have any icons. If you like to have icons on either breadcrumb home and/or separators, here are the example values:

  "carpet__breadcrumb_home": "fa-home",
  "carpet__breadcrumb_separator": "fa-angle-right"

Post type

If you are using post type features, you can have different icons for different post types. Below are examples values:

  "carpet__post_type": {
      "text": "fa-file-text-o",
      "quote": "fa-quote-right",
      "book": "fa-book",
      "recipe": "fa-bookmark",
      "link": "fa-link",
      "video": "fa-film",
      "photo": "fa-image-o"

Custom colour theme

Currently, there is no easy way to change the theme colour. In order to do it, you need to regenerate the CSS files. Here are the steps:

  • At the root of the theme, enter this command in the console / terminal, make install. It will install all the JavaScript packages that needed for regenerating the CSS files.
  • All the custom styles that depending on Bulma variables need to be before import statement in src/scss/main.scss files. For example, in this theme, the primary color is changed to #445826.
  • After all customisation, enter this command in the console / terminal, make build. It will regenerate all the CSS files and place them in assets/css/ folder.

Optimise CSS delivery

Anyone who is interested in Optimise CSS delivery, this theme manage to improve it using Critical tool. Here are the steps:

  • At the root of the theme, enter this command in the console / terminal, make install. It will install all the JavaScript packages that needed for generating critical-path CSS.
  • Firstly,
  • set carpet__late_load_css to False
  • For best result, set USE_BUNDLES to True, which is easier to convert one CSS file
  • enter nikola build to build all the output files
  • As the tool only support one source file,
  • find the any pages of the site that use the most CSS style and update the src file value in gulpfile.js
  • also make sure the base folder is correct, which is output folder
  • Once the values in gulpfile.js are correct based on your need, enter this command in the console / terminal, gulp critical.
  • Once the dest file is generated,
  • copy the inline CSS code to EXTRA_HEAD_DATA
  • set carpet__late_load_css to True
  • enter nikola build to rebuild all the output files again

Cookie message

It is to display information about cookies to the users.

  • carpet__cookie_message - cookie message notification
  • carpet__cookie_path - (optional) for changing cookie path, by default it is across the entire domain
  • carpet__cookie_expiry - (optional) for extending cookie lifetime, by default it is 30 days

More contents

  • carpet__head_prefix - extra custom content right after opening <head>
  • carpet__body_prefix - extra custom content right after opening <body>
  • carpet__content_prefix - extra custom content right before <main> content
  • carpet__content_suffix - extra custom content right after <main> content

Known Issues

  • Not all features of Nikola are tested
  • Value of THEME_COLOR is not used

Todo list

  • Optimise images with image compression



Carpet - MIT License

Nikola - MIT License

Mako - MIT License

Bulma MIT License

Font Awesome Full details

Cookie message MIT License

Suggested Configuration:

    "carpet__unlink_blog_brand": False,
    "carpet__show_hero": True,
    "carpet__show_hero_title": True,
    "carpet__hero_post_title": False,
    "carpet__hero_size": "",
    "carpet__hero_footer": "",
    "carpet__late_load_css": False,
    "carpet__breadcrumb_home": "fa-home",
    "carpet__breadcrumb_separator": "fa-angle-right",
    "carpet__post_type": {
        "text": "fa-file-text-o"
    "carpet__head_prefix": "",
    "carpet__body_prefix": "",
    "carpet__content_prefix": "",
    "carpet__content_suffix": "",
    "carpet__cookie_message": ""

Issues? Questions?

You can report issues with this theme and request help via GitHub Issues (themes repository).

Theme inheritance chain